Thursday, March 10, 2011

mannequin person

In this project I tried to take pictures and use lighting and editing so it looked like the person was a mannequin. I had this idea when I found out you could use contrast and exposure in iPhoto to obscure someones face and make them look less human and sort of alien and mannequin-like. This look interested me and so i made more of these pictures. I also changed random things about the picture in almost every picture, which adds to the surrealism. You can see them if you look closely. Where I want to go next with this is to do more surreal images of people that have an element of the fantastic in them.


  1. I really enjoy series. I like that the exposure is really high so that you can't see the details of Carlos's face. It's very fun and mysterious.

  2. you pictures of carlos are very nice, it is interesting how u blotted out the face and left the eyes in just a few of them.

  3. This is a really cool/creepy series. I especially like the photo of Carlos in the chair. Its very casual yet scary at the same time. I also think its very interesting that you chose to blotch out the face and not the rest of his body. Good job!

  4. the bright lighting in all of these really brings them all together and makes them stand out. Even though you have the same model throughout, I like the different angles and settings you used to create diversity within your series.

  5. I think the first two photos you made are the most successful. It is a very creative idea! I think you could push your series even further by taking out bits and pieces instead of the entire face, which will challenged the viewer to look harder.

  6. images 1, 3, and 7 are the strongest. you achieve both mannequin-look, and a fantastic/surreal quality with the bold shapes in the backgrounds (window, stairs, light). these backgrounds are more stylized and provide a dynamic stage for the subject- much more dramatic and designed than the others. note how the shapes are often in the corner, in opposite corners, or create a sense of movement. try to explore this idea further in every new image that you compose. try different combinations and contrasts of shapes.

  7. I really like these pictures, I think the last one is the strongest when you can't see his face, but only his glasses. I think they are really cool and creepy and I also liked the pictures from your previous series.
